Embodiment as a Practice.
Your posture is an accumulation of all the ways you have moved to work, to play, to express and to protect yourself throughout your life. Let me help you loosen the net of tensions and habits of body use that have brought your body to its current state. Together we can find the awareness that will allow your natural alignment, balance and ease of expression to re-emerge. That awareness becomes the core of an ongoing somatic meditation that continues to unfold your true presence.
“Mary’s work seems to have an air of elegant inevitability about it.”
“Mary Bond is the genuine article.”
About Mary
In 1968 I faced my future with an MA in choreography, modest talent, and minimal chutzpah. Luckily, I crossed paths with a great woman— Ida P. Rolf, PhD..
Dr. Rolf was the originator of a manual therapy method she called Structural Integration. Her vision was that a human being functioned optimally when the body could be brought into harmony with the force of gravity. Given my lifelong interest in movement, Rolfing®, as it came to be known, was right up my alley.
In the ensuing years, I have helped hundreds of clients and students to see and feel Rolf’s message and have published three books and a video about posture, gravity and human movement.
It has been my experience that people who understand and respect their bodies tend to have a receptive and compassionate perspective on life. My aim as a writer and teacher is to help people deepen that understanding and respect. Being attuned to our physical intelligence affects the choices we make in relation to ourselves, to our fellow beings, and to our planet. My mission is to contribute to humanity’s deeper embodiment.