Secrets of Head Posture
How Head Posture is Affected by Tensions in the Jaw, Face and Cranium
In this 4-hour workshop you will experience as well as observe the skeletal and myofascial relationships between the face, head and spine. You’ll discover how potential imbalances between the atlanto-occipital joints (where head meets neck) and temporo-mandibular joints (where head meets jaw) contribute to the shape of a face and to the expression of attitude. You’ll feel the way nasal breathing and mouth breathing differently affect the tension and positioning of the neck and head. And learn that “tongue posture” can be life-changing.
Mary’s emphasis on experiential learning gives you embodied understanding of head and neck alignment relative to your body as a whole. Secrets of Head Posture is the recording of an online workshop that took place Oct. 22 and Nov. 5, 2023.
Shoulder Alignment
Basic Principles for Bodyworkers and Movement Coaches
This 4-hour video workshop helps you understand the shoulder use patterns that underlie the problems you feel in yourself and notice in your clients. You explore basic biomechanics of the arms and shoulders and discover that how you use your hands affects the way your shoulders connect to your trunk. You practice ways of releasing shoulder tension through heightened perception of your anatomy and learn a subtle but powerful process for replacing a habit of poor shoulder alignment with strength, coordination, and balance. You also consider how shoulder support affects interpersonal situations like establishing a boundary between yourself and another person or a task. Mary Bond’s emphasis on experiential learning gives you embodied understanding of shoulder alignment relative to the whole body. Shoulder Alignment is the recording of an online workshop that took place Nov. 20 and Dec. 4, 2022
Foot Alignment
Basic Principles for Bodyworkers and Movement Coaches
This 4 1/2 hour video workshop helps you address your clients’ foot problems—and related whole-body imbalances by understanding the skeletal anatomy and joint mechanics of the feet and lower legs. Mary Bond’s emphasis on experiential learning gives you embodied understanding of the movement patterns you recognize in yourself and your clients. Topics include pronation and supination, the feet as sense organs, mobilization of the transverse arch, toning the forefoot intrinsic muscles, relationship between the feet and pelvis, the relationship between sensory perception and coordination, and much more.
This video is a recording of Mobile Foundations, an online workshop in April, 2021. It is a more complex presentation of the feet than Mary’s 2014 video, Know Your Feet (see below on this page) which is an elementary introduction to foot anatomy and self-care.
Pelvic Alignment
Basic Principles for Bodyworkers and Movement Coaches
This 4 1/2 hour video helps you address your clients’ pelvic tilts, uneven hips, and leg dominance by understanding some of the basic anatomy and joint mechanics of the pelvis, hips and legs. Mary Bond’s emphasis on experiential learning gives you embodied understanding of the movement patterns you see in others. Topics include unconscious muscular tensions in the pelvic floor, rehabilitating the psoas muscle, mobilizing the sacroiliac joints, grounding through the pelvic rami, holistic movement therapy, and much more. This video is a recording of an online workshop in January, 2022.
“This class has been a gold mine for me and where I am in my practice.
Grateful … Very Grateful! ”
Posture and Movement Assessment
Seeing with Your Body
This six-hour workshop (recorded live in January, 2021) is a body-reading primer for somatic educators and bodyworkers. We observe video clips of five subjects walking. Graceful and efficient gait depends on freedom of motion in all three movement planes —sagittal, frontal and horizontal. Each workshop segment is devoted to exploring one of these planes. We also observe how perceptual orientation to ground and space affects body patterning.
In a unique approach to body-reading, participants are encouraged to explore movement patterns in their own bodies before being presented with them visually. In this way the whole body is engaged in observation, not just the eyes.
Professionals will gain dynamic understanding of body alignment as a basis for improving posture through movement. Non-professionals will heighten awareness of their own posture and movement habits.
Heal Your Posture
A 7-Week Workshop
Heal Your Posture: A 7-Week Workshop contains individualized lessons that step you through this revolutionary approach to improving your posture. You'll learn to:
reduce or eliminate back, neck, jaw and shoulder pain
improve problem feet
change poor breathing habits
strengthen your core
boost your body awareness
improve your performance of Pilates, yoga, dance or sports
“In Mary Bond’s smart new workshop, essential lessons of good self-use—immediately practical in daily home, office and recreational life—are taught via regular people, so we share in their questions as well as their discoveries.”
Know Your Feet
A Self-Care Workshop
This 80-minute workshop empowers you through information and experiences to understand how your feet are meant to support and transport you. The content includes:
Demonstrations and explorations to FEEL how your feet should work
Relevant but simple anatomy to understand the complexity and magic of the foot
The relationship between your feet and your body as a whole
What it means to feel and receive support
Self-help exercises to improve faulty foot habits
“I woke up to a new awareness with ‘Know Your Feet.’ After 60 years of Posing, Prancing, Practicing, Performing, and Placing (my life of dance), I’ve never enjoyed such a well balanced examination of my feet!”
Two video workshops through Fusion Pilates
Fusion Pilates: A serious Resource for Pilates Professionals offers creative and innovative online education that is void of fashion and trend which will support and deepen the skill level of the serious movement educator. While having fun.