Caring for Your Fascia
/Can it be that our fascia contains untapped reserves of self-expression, healing and wisdom?
Read MoreCan it be that our fascia contains untapped reserves of self-expression, healing and wisdom?
Read MoreThe simple act of sensing your toes can appreciably affect the way you use your feet and your whole body.
Read MoreAvoid imagining a baby’s face, a lovely sunset, or a pleasant event. Instead, let your eyes gaze at a doorknob or a light switch—ordinary things. The purpose is not to induce a mental or emotional state, but simply to notice the physical sensations in your body that accompany smiling with your eyes.
Read MoreWhen there’s a problem in the knee, there are probably imbalances in the feet. My friend had no complaints about her feet, but when I watched her move I could see that, especially on the side of her knee surgery, she wasn’t using the full articulation of her foot.
Read MoreI practice yoga to keep my fascia silky enough and my joints adaptable enough that my coordination can stay smooth even as the aging process diminishes my stamina. Yet, here I was, post yoga class, walking in this awkward way. I teach movement, for heaven’s sake. How had I slid into this familial pattern?
Read MoreTensegral body attitude, by expanding the space within the torso, grants more living room to your organs, beneficially affecting all visceral functions, including circulation, respiration, and digestion. And, because expansive visceral space contributes to high vagal tone, it can positively affect both health and social connectedness.
Read MoreYour body is a floating compression structure—bones float within a tensile matrix of soft tissue. This is a very different model from the old idea that your body should be lined up like a stack of blocks.
Read MoreJumping off from the subtitle of The New Rules of Posture, I spoke about fascia, pandiculation, tensegrity, ergonomic chairs, spatial orientation, and manspreading. If you enjoy it, please share!
Read MoreUnlike cats and dogs, humans tend to stifle this natural urge. In polite company such movement expression is considered rude.
Read MoreI began to be curious about how that deep front line of the leg might affect or be affected by the deep line within my torso. What was my psoas muscle up to?
Read MoreI don't think the earth feels equally solid to everyone, or even equally solid to anyone from one moment to the next. In this moment, I only seem to be relaxing. In fact I'm in a state of procrastination and my to-do list looms in the air about three feet away.
Read MoreHealthy, hydrated fascia is an essential ingredient in enduring youthfulness and grace of movement. The stiffness we experience when we begin to age is a sign that fascial layers are dehydrated and are becoming adhered to one another.
Read MoreTrash day offers me 61 opportunities to lengthen my anococcygeal ligament, one for every step.
Read MoreFor those of us who are rising, pink-hatted and furious, to the occasion(s), I caution against leaving our bones behind.
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