Aging gracefully, or else...
/Once you understand what the dysfunctional habit is trying to accomplish, then you can begin replacing it with a better habit that will serve the same purpose,
Read MoreOnce you understand what the dysfunctional habit is trying to accomplish, then you can begin replacing it with a better habit that will serve the same purpose,
Read MoreI began to be curious about how that deep front line of the leg might affect or be affected by the deep line within my torso. What was my psoas muscle up to?
Read MoreTrash day offers me 61 opportunities to lengthen my anococcygeal ligament, one for every step.
Read MoreOn page 110 my book, The New Rules of Posture, there’s a sidebar about coughing. I’ll quote it here, to save you the trouble of looking it up. “The relationship between your diaphragm, pelvic floor, and core support is graphically demonstrated in the act of coughing (or laughing for that matter). If you cough with your pelvis rolled back, you’ll feel a tendency to puff out your belly and bear down into your pelvic floor. If you cough while sitting in a slight forward pelvic tilt, you won’t feel the same pressure on your bladder…
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