Posture and The Primitive Streak

What determines your body's central axis?

Vitruvian Man Leonardo
Vitruvian Man Leonardo


Your relationship to gravity inscribes your body’s central line.


Your midline exists before you are born.  It’s visible as the “primitive streak” by the 14th day of pregnancy.

This streak grows upwards, from tail to head, developing the neural tube and spine. Your muscles, fascia, bones, nerves, skin and organs develop out of this impulse of the midline.


Electromagnetic field activity

Fascia research shows that all living tissue is composed of liquid crystals. Biochemist Mae-Wan Ho writes: “There is an orienting field that is responsible for polarizing and lining up the crystals and that is what determines the main axis of the body”

Your midline is an electromagnetic activity, an ignition that continues throughout life. Certain schools of osteopathy regard it as the source of health.

image: Alex Grey
image: Alex Grey

Mystics & yogis have been aware of this for centuries.

Exploration;  Sit with good support for your pelvis and let your breathing settle.   Envision your energetic midline running along the front surface of your spine--behind your uterus, your intestines, your heart, and lungs,  throat, eyes, pineal gland.  Allow it to emerge at your crown.

What happens to your posture when you picture this?

Suggestion: Review the exploration in Enliven Your Spine with this new insight.

Personally, I like envisioning my central axis as a "streak" rather than a line.  It feels more organic, more intimate and more dynamic. Let me know how it feels to you.

© 2013 Mary Bond