Mobile Foundations: Integrating Feet and Body
Experience the complexity and magic of foot anatomy, and the interplay between your feet, pelvis and spine. Learn movement interventions that improve grounding and mobility.
Experience the complexity and magic of foot anatomy, and the interplay between your feet, pelvis and spine. Learn movement interventions that improve grounding and mobility.
Online via Zoom
Hosted by Yoga House, Pasadena, CA
Our awareness of the space around our bodies (our peripersonal space) generates coordinative support, giving us more choice about our ways of being present in the world.
Join Mary to explore your spine from the perspectives of evolutionary development, biomechanics, tensegrity and yoga.
Learn how your shoulders influence your spine, neck and breathing. Sense the influence of shoulder support on the actions of work and play, on interactions with other people, and on walking.
Subtle mis-alignments in your foundation can cause foot pain and affect posture and movement. Explore the connections between the feet, hips, spine, and heart as you examine the relationship between the way your feet ground to the earth and your way of being present in the world.
© Mary Bond and, 2011-2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mary Bond and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.