Patellafemoral Syndrome
/Best of all, I’ve had fleeting moments of sensing something new and important about my stance in the world.
Read MoreBest of all, I’ve had fleeting moments of sensing something new and important about my stance in the world.
Read MoreA deeper level of somatic education can lead to lasting change in the way someone inhabits their body. This approach invites the client to become aware of their habitual movements and to explore sensations that stimulate new movement behaviors.
Read MoreThe highly mobile hip joints combined with plasticity between sacrum and ilia, offer the body a dynamic relationship between the spine and the ground.
Read MoreIt’s easy to distinguish the feeling of gratitude from that of disappointment. But how do the sensations of gratitude differ from those of happiness, love, or relief? Could I find a way to more fully embody my thanksgiving?
Read MoreJaw tension can be an unrecognized source of upper neck stiffness and pain. This post suggests a way to release your jaw by meditating on your molars.
Read MoreNo two people with Parkinson’s Disease experience the same array of symptoms, but I think I can safely generalize that it’s no longer possible for any of us to take movement for granted.
Read MoreAn online presentation to my local Parkinson’s Disease support group. There’s information in it that’s useful for anyone, not just people living with PD.
Read MoreI had stumbled upon the basis for music therapy. The AirPods give me the experience of being inside the music which is different from just listening to it —although that’s helpful too
Read Morein reality, posture is dynamic. It’s a process of moving the body through time and space. Ideal posture is only a moment in time. At any given moment we must be perceptually oriented to the ground and to the spatial field surrounding us. That perceptual orientation allows us to feel secure enough in our environment to express ourselves in response to what we are facing.
Read MoreI take my time, resisting the urge to “fix” what I think should move more gracefully. If I stay within today’s comfort zone, movement gradually becomes freer without force.
Read MoreExercise doesn’t increase dopamine levels in the brain but it does affect the efficiency with which available dopamine is recruited to serve brain circuitry.
Read MoreDiminished spatial perception creates compression in the body. That diminution of interior body space is a major cause of poor postural organization and limited range of motion. Changing how you stand or move is not the answer. Changing how you perceive and interact with the world is.
Read MoreAvoid imagining a baby’s face, a lovely sunset, or a pleasant event. Instead, let your eyes gaze at a doorknob or a light switch—ordinary things. The purpose is not to induce a mental or emotional state, but simply to notice the physical sensations in your body that accompany smiling with your eyes.
Read MoreWithin your oral cavity, you now have both descent (your mandible resting down) and ascent the subtle lift of your tongue. Notice what that does for the sensations at the juncture of your head and neck.
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